Classic Dry Martini
The world of drinking Martinis is complicated - if you’re in the mood for a deeper dive, have a read of this
50ml Gin (we love Bone Dry at the moment)
10ml of good quality dry vermouth
Combine the ingredients in a mixing glass, stir with a bar spoon for a good 20 seconds (if you’re not sure if the dilution is right, use the spoon to drop a couple of drops on the back of your hand to taste - it should be cold, but have lost the alcoholic sting without becoming watery).
Pour into a cocktail glass, adorn with a garnish of your choice (traditional options include a twist of lemon peel, an olive or three, a cocktail onion (to make a Gibson use a small splash of the sweet brine), other citrus twists or salty snacks can work too - have an experiment).
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